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Cabinet Division     Prime Minister’s Office     President’s Office     MoPA     NID Correction     Passport     Birth and Death Verification     Parliament Secretariat



Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute (BLRI)     Marine Fisheries Academy     Fisheries and Livestock Information Department     Bangladesh Veterinary Council

Ministry of Education (MoEDU)

    Secondary and Higher Education Division     Technical And Madrasha Education Division     Bangladesh Scouts

Prime Minister’s Education Assistance Trust     Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, Bangladesh     Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Comilla

Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Jessore     Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Rajshahi     Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Barisal

Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Chittagong     Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO     Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dinajpur

Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Sylhet     Non Government Teacher Employee Retirement Benefit Board     Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information and Statistics (BANBEIS)

Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP)     Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE)     National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB)

Ministry of Housing and Public Works

    Public Works Department     Department of Architecture

Department of Urban Development (UDD)     Directorate of Internal Audit     Coxsbazar Development Authority

National Housing Authority (NHA)     Rajdhani Unnayan Kartipakkha (RAJUK)     Chittagong Unnayan Authority (CDA)

    Rajshahi Unnayan Authority (RDA)     Khulna Unnayan Authority (KDA)     Housing & Building Research Institute (HBRI)     Directorate of Government Accommodation

Ministry Of Land

    Office of the Controller of Accounts (Revenue)     Land Administration Training Centre (LATC)

Land Record and Survey Department     Land Appeal Board     Land Reforms Board

Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs

    Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Board     Chittagong Hill Tracts Regional Council

Bandarban Hill District Council     Rangamati Hill District Council     Tribal Refugee Affairs Task Force     Khagrachari Hill District Council

Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism

    Bangladesh Tourism Board     Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh     Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation

Bangladesh Air     Hotels International Limited     Bangladesh Services Limited (BSL)

Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs

    Bangladesh Judicial Service Commission     National Legal Aid Agency     Directorate of Registration

    Office of the Attorney General     Bangladesh Law Commission     Bangladesh National Human Rights Commission

Ministry of Social Welfare

    National Academy of Social Services     National Foundation for Development of the Disabled Persons     Department of Social Services

Bangladesh National Social Welfare Council

Ministry of Agriculture

Seed Certification Agency (SCA)     National Agriculture Training Academy (NATA)

Hortex Foundation     Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC)     Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC)

Department of Agricultural Extension     Bangladesh Rice Research Institute     Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI)

Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI)     Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA)     Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute (BSRI)

Barind Multipurpose Development Authority (BMDA)     Cotton Development Board     Soil Resource Development Institute (SRDI)

Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM)     Agriculture Information Service (AIS)     Bangladesh Institute of Research and Training on Applied Nutrition (BIRTAN)

    Department of Social Services     Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Foreign Service Academy (FSA)     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Algiers, Algeria     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Cairo, Egypt

Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia     High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Nairobi, Kenya     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Tripoli, Libya

High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Port Louis, Republic of Mauritius     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Rabat     High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Abuja, Nigeria

High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Pretoria     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Brasilia DF, Brazil     High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Ottawa

Consulate General of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Toronto     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Mexico     Consulate General of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Los Angeles

Consulate General of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, New York     Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the United Nations, New York     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Washington, DC

Consulate General of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Florida     High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Canberra     Consulate General of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Sydney

Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Beijing, China     Consulate General of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Hong Kong     Consulate General of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Kunming

Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Tokyo     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Seoul     Embassy of the People´s Republic of Bangladesh, Poland

Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Bucharest     Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Moscow     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Ankara

Consulate General of Bangladesh, Istanbul     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent     Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Thimphu, Bhutan

Bangladesh Assistant High Commission, Agartala     Deputy High Commission for the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Chennai, India     Assistant High Commission of Bangladesh, Guwahati

Deputy High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Kolkata     Deputy High Commission for the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Mumbai, India     High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, New Delhi, India

Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Male, Republic of Maldives     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Kathmandu     High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Islamabad, Pakistan

Bangladesh Deputy High Commission, Karachi, Pakistan     High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Colombo     High Commission of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Bandar Seri Begawan

Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Jakarta     High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Kuala Lumpur     Consulate of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Sittwe, Rakhine State, Myanmar

Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Yangon, Myanmar     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Manila     High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Singapore

Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Bangkok     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Hanoi     Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Manama

Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Tehran     Embassy of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh, Baghdad, Iraq     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Amman, Jordan

Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Kuwait     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Beirut, Lebanon     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Muscat

Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Doha, Qatar     Consulate General of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Jeddah     Bangladesh Embassy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Abu Dhabi, UAE     People's Republic of Bangladesh, Dubai, UAE     Embassy & Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the UN Offices and other International Organizations in Vienna

Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Brussels     The Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Copenhagen     Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Paris

Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Berlin     Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Athens, Greece     Consulate General of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Milan

Bangladesh Embassy, Rome, Italy     Bangladesh Embassy, The Hague, The Netherlands     Embassy of the People´s Republic of Bangladesh, Lisbon, Portugal

Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Madrid     Bangladesh Embassy, Stockholm, Sweden     Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the UN Office & other International Organizations in Geneva

Assistant High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Birmingham, United Kingdom     Bangladesh High Commission, London, UK

    Assistant High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Manchester, UK

Ministry of Women and Children Affairs

Department of Women Affairs     National Women Organization     Bangladesh Shishu Academy     Joyeeta Foundation

Ministry of Textiles & Jute

Ministry of Textiles & Jute     Bangladesh Jute Corporation     Textile Directorate

Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (BJMC)     Department of Textiles     Bangladesh Handloom Board (BHB)

Bangladesh Textiles Mills corporation     Bangladesh Sericulture Research and Training Institute (BSRT)     Bangladesh Sericulture Development Board (BSDB)     Department of Jute (DOJ)

Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources

    Power Division     Energy and Mineral Resources Division     Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA)

    DESCO     Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited     Ashuganj Power Station Company Ltd

    Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh Ltd     West Zone Power Distribution Company Ltd

    Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board     Rural Power Company Limited     Power Cell

    Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Ltd     Bangladesh Power Development Board     Bangladesh Energy and Power Research Council (EPRC)

    Coal Power Generation Company Bangladesh Limited (CPGCBL)     Office of the Chief Electric Inspector (EACEI)     North-West Power Generation Company Limited

    Northern Electricity Supply Company Limited (NESCO)     BR POWERGEN Ltd.     Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation

    Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Company Limited     Sylhet Gas Fields Limited     Mineral Resources Development Bureau

    Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company Limited     Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company     Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission

    Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation     Bangladesh Petroleum Institute     Geological Survey of Bangladesh

    Bangladesh Hydrocarbon Unit     Rupantarita Prakritik Gas Company Limited     Department of Explosives

    Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company Limited     Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Limited (BGFCL)     Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL)

    Jalalabad Gas Transmission and Distribution System Limited (JGTDSL)     Pashchimanchal Gas Company Limited (PGCL)     Sundarban Gas Company Limited (SGCL)

    Barapukuria Coal Mining Company Limited (BCMCL)     Maddhapara Granite Mining Company Limited (MGMCL)     Padma Oil Company Limited ( POCL)

    Jamuna Oil Company Ltd (Jamuna)     Meghna Petroleum Limited (MPL)     L P Gas Limited (LPGL)

    Eastern Lubricants Blenders Ltd.     SAOCL     Eastern Refinery Limited (ERL)

    Ministry of Planning

    Statistics and Informatics Division     Implementation Monitoring & Evaluation Division     Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies

    National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD)     Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics

Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives

    Local Government Division     Rural Development and Co-operatives Division     Local Government Engineering Department

    Public Health Engineering Department     The National Institute of Local Government     Office of the Registrar General, Birth and Death Registration

    Dhaka WASA     Chittagong WASA     Khulna WASA

    Rajshahi WASA     Dhaka South City Corporation     Dhaka North City Corporation

    Chittagong City Corporation     Khulna City Corporation     Barishal City Corporation

    Narayanganj City Corporation     Gazipur City Corporation     Rangpur City Corporation

    Cumilla City Corporation     Rajshahi City Corporation     Sylhet City Corporation

    Mymensingh City Corporation     Department of Cooperatives     Bangladesh Rural Development Board (BRDB)

    Bangladesh Rural Development Board(BARD), Comilla     Rural Development Academy (RDA) Bogra     Bangabandhu academy for poverty alleviation and rural development (BAPARD)

    Bangladesh Milk Producer's Co-Operative Union Ltd.     Bangladesh Samabaya Bank Limited     Small Farmer Development Foundation(SFDF)

    Palli Daridro Bimochon Foundation(PDBF)     Bangladesh National Co-operative Federation for Rural Development

    Ministry of Commerce

    Bangladesh Tea Research Institute (BTRI)     Bangladesh Competition commission     Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute

    Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection     Bangladesh Tariff Commission     Office of the Chief Controller of Imports & Exports

    Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh     Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms     Institute of Cost and Management Accountants

    Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB)     Bangladesh Export Promotion Bureau     Bangladesh Tea Board

Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges

    Road Transport and Highways Division     Bridges Division     DHAKA MASS TRANSIT COMPANY LIMITED (DMTCL)

    Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority     Roads and Highways Department     Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation

    Bangladesh Road Transport Authority     Bangladesh Bridge Authority

Ministry of Cultural Affairs

    Department of Archaeology     Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy     বাংলাদেশ লোক ও কারুশিল্প ফাউন্ডেশন

    Kabi Nazrul Institute     Jatiya Grantha Kendro     Bangladesh Folk Art & Crafts Foundation

    Cultural Academy of Minorities, Birishiri, Netrokona     Cultural Institute for Minorities, Rangamati     Cultural Institute of Minority Ethnicity, Bandarban

    Cox's Bazar Cultural Center, Cox's Bazar     Cultural Institute for Minorities, Khagrachari     Monipuri Lolitokala Academy, Kamalganj, Moulvibazar

    Bangla Academy     Bangladesh National Museum     Department of Public Libraries

    Copyright Office Bangladesh     Directorate of Archives and Libraries

Ministry of Defence

    Bangladesh Army     Bangladesh Navy     Bangladesh Air Force

    Directorate General of Medical Service (DGMS)     Armed Force Medical College     Cadet College

    Department of Military Lands & Cantonments     Military Engineer Services     Office of the Chief Administrative Officer

    Directorate of Inter-Services Public Relations     Department of Cyphers     Ministry of Defense Constabulary

    Inter-military election board     Bangladesh Armed Services Board     Bangladesh Ordnance Factories

    Bangladesh Meteorological Department     Controller General Defence Finance     Directorate General of Defence Purchase

    Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization     Military Institute of Science & Technology     Survey Of Bangladesh

    Defence Services Command and Staff College     National Defence College

    Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief

    Department of Disaster Management     Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP)

    Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

    Bangladesh Climate Change Trust     Bangladesh Rubber Board     Forest Department

    Department of Environment     Bangladesh Forest Research Institute (BFRI)

    Bangladesh Forest Industries Development Corporation (BFIDC)     Bangladesh National Herbarium (BNH)

Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment

    Wage Earners' Welfare Board (WEWB)     Probashi Kallyan Bank

    Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training (BMET)     Bangladesh Overseas Employment and Services Limited. (BOESL)

    Ministry of Food

    Bangladesh Food Safety Authority     Food Planning and Monitoring Unit (FPMU)

    Modern Food Storage Facilities Project     Directorate General of Food

    Ministry of Home Affairs

    Public Security Division     Security Services Division     International Crimes Tribunals

    NTMC     Dhaka Metropolitan Police     Border Guard Bangladesh

    Bangladesh Ansar and VDP     Bangladesh Coast Guard     Rapid Action Battalion

    Police Headquarters, Bangladesh Police     Department of Narcotics Control     Department of Prisons

    Department of Immigration and Passports     BANGLADESH FIRE SERVICE AND CIVIL DEFENCE

    Ministry of Industries

    Chittagong Dry Dock Limited     Department of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (DPDT)     Small, Micro and Cottage Industry Foundation (SMCIF)

    DAP Fertilizer Company Limited (DAPFCL)     Small & Medium Enterprise Foundation (SMEF)     Bangladesh Accreditation Board

    Office of The Chief Inspector of Boilers     Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC)     Bangladesh Steel & Engineering Corporation (BSEC)

    Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC)     Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM)     Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI)

    Bangladesh Industrial and Technical Assistance Center (BITAC)     National Productivity Organization (NPO)     Bangladesh Sugar & Food Industries Corporation

Ministry of Labour and Employment

    Central fund     Department of Inspection for Factory and Establishment     Department of Labour

    Labor Appeals Tribunal     Lowest wage board     National Skills Development Council

    Bangladesh Labor Welfare Foundation     Child Labour Unit

    Ministry of Liberation War Affairs

    Jatio Muktijoddha Council (Jamuka)     Bangladesh Freedom Fighter Welfare Trust

    Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology

    Posts and Telecommunications Division     ICT Division     Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited

    Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission     Post Directorate, Bangladesh Postal Department     Bangladesh Cable Shilpa Ltd

    Bangladesh Satellite Company Limited     Telephone Shilpo Sangshta     Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Limited (BSCCL)

    Teletalk Bangladesh     Directorate of Telecommunications     Directorate of Information & Communication Technology

    Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC)     Office of the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA)     Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority

    Access to Information (a2i) Project     Digital Security Agency

Ministry of Religious Affairs

    Buddhist Religious Welfare Trust     Bangladesh Haj Office, Jeddah     Bangladesh Islamic Foundation

    Bangladesh Hajj Office     Waqf Administration     THE CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS WELFARE TRUST (CRWT)     Hindu Religious Welfare Trust

    Ministry of Primary and Mass Education

    Children Welfare Trust     Directorate of Primary Education     Bureau of Non-Formal Education (BNFE)

    National Academy for Primary Education     Compulsory Primary Education Implementation Monitoring Unit (CPEIMU)

    Ministry of Railways

    Department of Railway Inspection     Bangladesh Railway

    Ministry of Shipping

    National River Conservation Commission     Bangladesh Land Port Authority     Bangladesh Marine Academy

    Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority     Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation     Department of Shipping

    Chittagong Port Authority     Mongla Port Authority     National Maritime Institute

    Payra Port Authority     Department of Shipping     Directorate of Welfare of Sailors and Expatriate Workers

Ministry of Science and Technology

    Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission     Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR)     National Museum Of Science and Technology

    National Institute of bayotekanolaji     Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Novo Theatre     Bangladesh National Scientific and Technical Documentation Centre

    Bangladesh Atomic Energy Regulatory Authority     Bangladesh Oceanographic Research Institute     Construction of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant Project

    Bangabandhu Science and Technology Fellowship Trust     Bangladesh Reference Institute for Chemical Measurements (BRICM)

    Ministry of Water Resources

    Department of Bangladesh Haor and Wetlands Development     River Research Institute (RRI)     Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services

    Institute of Water Modelling (IWM)     Water Resources Planning Organization (WARPO)

    Bangladesh Water Development Board     Joint River Commission, Bangladesh

    Ministry of Youth and Sports

    Bangladesh Krira Shikkha Protisthan (BKSP)     Department of Youth Development     Bangabandhu Krirashebi Kalyan Foundation

    Sheikh Hasina National Institute of Youth Development     Directorate of Sports     National Sports Council

    Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

Bangladesh Film and Television Institute     Bangladesh Press Council     Press Institute of Bangladesh (PIB)     National Institute of Mass Communication

Press Information Department (PID)     Directorate of Mass Communication     Bangladesh Film Development Corporation (BFDC)     Bangladesh Film archive

Bangladesh Sangbad Sangshta     Bangladesh Television     Bangladesh Film Sensor Board     Bangladesh Betar

Department of Films & Publications     Information Commission

    Ministry of Finance (MoF)

Internal Resources Division (IRD)     Economic Relations Division (ERD)     Finance Division

Financial Institutions Division     Bangladesh Customs     National Board of Revenue (NBR)